Useful TI-99/4A-related Files I Created or Modified

These are some files relating to the TI-99/4A I created over the years, for myself, but I figured why not share them with the community?


16 x 16 16-bit Memory Grid.XlS
TMS9900 Instruction Formats, by Opcode, small print.xls

Word Docs

GPL Instructions, by Instruction.Doc
Story Machine Words.Doc
TI Scratchpad Memory Map.doc
TI Video Registers.doc
TI-99 4A Keyboard Technical Data.doc

Plain-text files

Cartridge Port Pinouts (.txt)
Console ROM disassembly (.txt)
DATA declarations of PC DOS Fonts.TXT
File Descriptor Record Template.TXT
GROM Only.txt - cartridges that only used GROM chips - no ROM
GPL Instructions by Opcode.Txt
GPL Instructions, by Instruction.Txt
Module Chips & Info.txt
Module Copyrights.txt
ROM-ONLY.TXT - cartridges that could run using ROM only, so no need to provide the GROM functionality.
TI Artist VRAM Allocation.Txt
TI File Management System.TXT
TI Keyboard ASCII Returns.TXT
TI RGB Values.Txt - got these from the V9t9 emulator.
tms4116 pinout.txt

Animated GIFs

Aspect Ratio Comparison between TMS9918, TMS9929, and V9t9 emulator / F18A VGA-output VDP replacement

Web pages (HTML)

GPL Instructions, by Instruction.html
TMS9918A Video Register Descriptions
TI-99 4A Keyboard Technical Data.html

Online applications

GROMdump - Binary dump utility. Add a GROM file, and see the character definitions. Tip: set to 8-bit.
TI-99/4A Emulator (js99er)

Binary files

Parsec Modified GROM (CNN Logo on Landscape Instead of TI!).bin [This was made in 1996. Anyone who can't resist the urge to get political, brainlessly echoing your favorite politician's talking points, you are not welcome here. Baa!]

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