Every time I do a new Windows 10 install, I want the taskbar clock to be showing seconds, not like this:
Since I do it often enough, I may as well make a note here on how:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced needs a DWORD value named ShowSecondsInSystemClock added and set to 1.
For more thorough detail: Press Windows-R, then type regedit, Enter. Allow the app to make changes. In Regedit, go to
Add a new key called ShowSecondsInSystemClock. It’s a REG-DWORD (32-bit) key. Set it to 1.
Restart the computer. You should now have seconds, now.
But, while I’m here, I also like to have the day of week down there, so let’s do that as well.
Hit that Start button / key, and type in “region.” Click or tap on “Region settings.”
Select Additional date, time & regional settings
Then, under Region, select Change date, time, or number formats
Additional settings…
Go to the Date tab
Then under Date formats -> Short date:
Change the short date format from whatever it was to yyyy-MM-dd ddd. That means you want a 4-digit year, a hyphen, a 2-digit month with leading zero, a hyphen, a 2-digit day with leading zero, a space, and then a 3-character representation of the day of the week, e.g. Wed. You could go with dddd for the full weekday, written out, but that’s a bit long for the taskbar.
Hit Apply.
That’s it. For this one, no need to restart. The final result, from my PC: